Thanks for sharing this! It’s interesting you talk about how meticulous you are about maintaining your health. I lost my health at a relatively young age and am now faced with losing what’s left of my independence - and it’s very difficult as private care is incredibly expensive and there’s really no place for someone like me to go.

I want to help people realize the VALUE of their health and independence… because you can lose them at any time. They’re worth trying to protect and hold on to.

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You are absolutely right - good health is the most precious thing there is. I'm preparing a short series on what we actually eat. It may be of some use to you, but sadly diet cannot fix everything. Wishing you the best.

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Hey Jim! I actually spent a few years researching diet and made a huge amount of changes - it did help a ton. I’m writing about it as well because one of the conditions I have is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome which unfortunately limits a lot of ‘healthy’ foods that I used to rely on to keep my inflammation down. It’s a beast to manage.

As you said - diet can’t fix everything. That said I firmly believe that having a healthy diet with a focus on reducing inflammation will HELP just about everything - even if it can’t FIX.

I look forward to reading your article!

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"This post makes the point that the word cure is no longer mentioned in modern medicine. Diseases are managed. Never mind that there is solid evidence that type 2 diabetes can be reversed, and even cancer can be put into remission by adopting a low carbohydrate, high fat diet."

This is a huge tragedy that even doctors seem to be totally unaware and clueless much of th time, even though the information is right there!

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